TileDB-SOMA Python API Reference ============================== **SOMA --- for stack of matrices, annotated --- is a unified data model and API for single-cell data.** If you know about ``obs``, ``var``, and ``X``, you'll recognize what you're seeing. The `data model and API `_ --- here as implemented using the `TileDB storage engine `_ --- allow you to persist, investigate, and share annotated 2D matrices, commonly used in single-cell biology. Features: * Flexible, extensible, and open-source API * Supports access to persistent, cloud-resident annotated 2D matrix datasets * Enables use within popular data science environments (e.g., R, Python), using the tools of that environment (e.g., Python Pandas integration), with the same storage regardless of language * Allows interoperability with multiple tools including AnnData, Scanpy, Seurat, and Bioconductor * Cloud-native TileDB arrays allow you to slice straight from remote storage * Reduces costs and processing time by utilizing cost-efficient object storage services like S3 * Enables out-of-core access to data aggregations much larger than single-host main memory * Enables distributed computation over datasets Modules ------- Typical usage of the Python interface to TileDB-SOMA will use the top-level module ``tiledbsoma``, e.g. .. code-block:: python import tiledbsoma There is also a submodule ``io`` which contains logic for importing data from ``AnnData`` to SOMA structure, and exporting back to ``AnnData``. .. code-block:: python import tiledbsoma.io SOMA ---- .. autoclass:: tiledbsoma.SOMA :members: SOMACollection -------------- .. autoclass:: tiledbsoma.SOMACollection :members: SOMASlice --------- .. autoclass:: tiledbsoma.SOMASlice :members: I/O functions ------------- .. autofunction:: tiledbsoma.io.from_h5ad .. autofunction:: tiledbsoma.io.from_anndata .. autofunction:: tiledbsoma.io.to_h5ad .. autofunction:: tiledbsoma.io.to_anndata Options ------- .. autoclass:: tiledbsoma.SOMAOptions :members: .. automodule:: tiledbsoma.logging :members: SOMA-element classes -------------------- .. autoclass:: tiledbsoma.AssayMatrixGroup :members: .. autoclass:: tiledbsoma.AssayMatrix :members: .. autoclass:: tiledbsoma.AnnotationDataFrame :members: .. autoclass:: tiledbsoma.AnnotationMatrixGroup :members: .. autoclass:: tiledbsoma.AnnotationMatrix :members: .. autoclass:: tiledbsoma.AnnotationPairwiseMatrixGroup :members: .. autoclass:: tiledbsoma.RawGroup :members: .. autoclass:: tiledbsoma.UnsGroup :members: .. autoclass:: tiledbsoma.UnsArray :members: Implementation-level classes ---------------------------- .. autoclass:: tiledbsoma.TileDBArray :members: .. autoclass:: tiledbsoma.TileDBGroup :members: .. autoclass:: tiledbsoma.TileDBObject :members: .. automodule:: tiledbsoma.util :members: .. automodule:: tiledbsoma.util_ann :members: .. automodule:: tiledbsoma.util_tiledb :members: